IUIU Research Repository: Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 626
The impact of FOCCAS Uganda on the socio-economic welfare of its clientele in Mbale Municipality
(Islamic university in uganda, 2006-09)The study was conducted in Mbale to investigate the impact of loans from FOCCAS (U) on the livelihood of its clientele in Mbale Municipality. The methodology, which was used to carry out the study, was descriptive, where ... -
An assessment of telecommunication services and its role on the performance of the business community in Mbale municipality
(Islamic university in uganda, 2006-11)This research set out to investigate the causes why the usage of telecommunication services in Mbale Municipality is low despite the rapidly growing coverage, services and customer base resulting in low rate of socio-economic ... -
Effectiveness of the district technical planning committee in the performance of Sub County Health units in Mbarara district
(Islamic university in uganda, 2006-03)The main subject of this dissertation is centered on the DTPCs effectiveness in enhancing the performance of sub county health units. The research is a case study of Mbarara District which is situated in south western ... -
The effects of credit policies on the performance of loan officers in centenary rural development bank, Kampala branches.
(Islamic university in uganda, 2006-01)This research was about the effects of credit policies on the performance of Loan Officers in Centenary Rural Development Bank, Kampala branches. These were the set objectives to determine the effects of the credit policies ... -
The impact of records management on school administration in secondary schools of Kumi district
(Islamic university in uganda, 2005-03)The topic of this study was: - "The Impact or Records Management on School Administration in Secondary schools of Kumi District" The problem the researcher identified, which precipitated the need to undertake this study, ... -
Effects of tutors' participation in college management on job enrichment in selected Primary Teachers' Colleges in Eastern Uganda
(Islamic university in uganda, 2006-02)This study on the effect of tutors' involvement in College management on their job enrichment was carried out in selected primary Teachers' Colleges in Eastern region. The study aimed at establishing the extent to which ... -
An investigation into the causes of the girl child drop out in upper primary classes in Kiboga District
(Islamic university in uganda, 2006-10)The study was designed to investigate the major causes of the girl child dropout in upper primary classes in Kiboga District. This was necessitated by the decreasing numbers of girls at post primary level of education in ... -
The impact of students' indiscipline on school management in secondary schools in Mbale district
(Islamic university in uganda, 2005-05)This research was conducted to focus on the impact of students' indiscipline on school management systems in Uganda and in particular Mbale District. The study that aimed at establishing the seriousness of the effects that ... -
An investigation into Finances and Management challenges of private secondary schools in Mbale district
(Islamic university in uganda, 2005-05)This report is on a study that aimed at investigating into the finances and management challenges of private secondary schools in Uganda. The study was conducted from ten-sampled secondary schools in Mbale District in the ... -
The impact of credit management on the performance of savings and credit cooperative organisations in Mbale district
(Islamic university in uganda, 2006-11)This research examines in depth the impact of credit management on the performance of Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) in Mbale District. The three main objectives of this research were; first, to ... -
The effects of organizational climate on employee effectiveness in Iganga town council local Government Administration
(Islamic university in uganda, 2006-03)The purpose of this study was to examine and assess the effects of organisational climate on employee effectiveness in service delivery in local governments, using lganga Town Council Local Administration as a case ... -
An assessment of the effectiveness of Zanzibar government strategies in conflict prevention in chwaka and marumbi villages in zanzibar, 1994 -1996
(Islamic university in uganda, 2009-12)The context of conflict is normally changed by the way or condition that the intervention occurred. When proper attention is not paid to the conflict, the act of intervention can escalate the conflict instead of de-escalation. ... -
The contribution of Adjumani dis rict development plan to the management of Sudanese refugees.
(Islamic university in uganda, 2010-08)Evolution history has taught us about the wandering early man who moved from place to place in search of food and shelter. We continue to experience it today in another form of forced migration. However, the terra incognita ... -
The Influence of Working Capital Management on the Effectiveness of Service delivery at The Islamic University In Uganda
(Islamic university in uganda, 2005-03)The research was designed to investigate the influence of Working Capital Management on the effectiveness of service delivery in Universities in Uganda with the Islamic University in Uganda as a case study. The objectives ... -
Organizational restructuring and job satisfaction in the Uganda Investment Authority
(Islamic university in uganda, 2004-10)The overall objective of this study was to investigate the effect of organizational restructuring on employee job satisfaction. Uganda Investment Authority where the study was carried out is a service delivery organization ... -
The Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Clocking System: A Case Study of Uganda Electricity Board
(Islamic university in uganda, 2006-01)The purpose of the study is to investigate the extent to which systematic planning, commitment and resistance to change had an impact on the failure of the UEB Clocking System. The objectives were to establish whether there ... -
An analysis of the challenges to the survival of coconut production industry in zanzibar (1964-2005) west urban region as a case study
(Islamic university in uganda, 2010-01)An analysis of the challenges to the survival of coconut production industry in Zanzibar is intended to provide basic fundamental understanding on the aspect about coconut production and the challenges it faced from 1964 ... -
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the Kadhi Courts system in family Conflict Resolution in Zanzibar
(Islamic university in uganda, 2010-08)This study attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of the Kadhi court system in family conflict resolution in Zanzibar. It was conducted in Urban, West, and North "B" districts.The study was conducted by using descriptive ... -
The Role of Religion in the 2005 General Elections in Zanzibar
(Islamic university in uganda, 2009-12)The study aimed to examine the positive role of the religious opinion-shapers in peace building initiatives, to examine religious factors and to establish strategies used in facilitating peaceful election. 1t was organized ... -
Social Economic Challenges of retired soldiers in Ntungamo District-Uganda
(Islamic university in uganda, 2010-01)This research investigated the social economic challenges of retired solders in Ntungamo District which would lead them into conflict like land wrangles. It was compiled in five chapters where the first chapter gave the ...