The influence of management of teaching resources on students’ academic performance in chemistry in secoondary schools in Sironko district.
Teaching/learning resources play a vital role in the academic performance of secondary schools students. This research investigated the influence of management of teaching/learning resources on students’ academic performance in Chemistry in secondary schools in Sironko district. The study employed the ex-post-facto research design. The questionnaire was the instrument for data collection. The population of this study was 822 out of which 279 respondents were used including Chemistry teachers and O-level students. Staff motivation and its influence on students’ academic performance were found using self-administered questionnaires which reveals that staff motivation influence students’ academic performance at (p=0.05) all different aspect of staff motivation had significant influence on students’ academic performance as computed using regression analysis. The result also indicated that there is no significant influence of resources allocation on students’ academic performance. However result show that there is significant influence of utilization of teaching/learning resources on students’ academic performance. Therefore the study recommends that all stakeholders should refocus their intervention at adding value to academic performance through giving allowances on equitable ground and promptly to the teachers, assigning of required teaching/learning resources and to ensure effective utilization of that particular resources.
- Thesis and Dissertations [209]