Relationship between community resource mobilization and secondary education service delivery in Bosaso local government Puntland – Somalia 2016
The study sought to examine the relationship between community resource mobilization and secondary education service delivery in Bosaso local government Puntland Somalia. It specifically focused on the relationship between physical resources mobilization, human resources mobilization and financial resources mobilization and education service delivery in Bosaso local government Puntland Somalia. The study adopted a correlational research design and used primary data from a sample of 136 respondents who were selected out of a total population of 209 persons with guidance from Krejcie and Morgan (1970)’s table of determining sample size. These were also selected using census and stratified random sampling techniques. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire and analyzed by the SPSS programme using Pearson’s correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis to test the hypotheses and also establish the relationship between components of the independent variables and education service delivery in Bosaso local government Puntland Somalia. The Pearson’s correlations revealed a strong, positive and significant relationship between physical resources mobilization and education service delivery in Bosaso local government Puntland Somalia (r = 0.578, N= 136, p < 0.05), a weak but positive and significant relationship between human resources mobilization and education service delivery in Bosaso local government Puntland Somalia (r = 0.330, N= 136, p < 0.05) as well as a positive, strong and significant relationship between financial resources mobilization and education service delivery in Bosaso local government Puntland Somalia (r = 0.627, N= 136, p < 0.05). Based on these findings, the researcher concludes that increased mobilization of physical resources, human resources and financial resources from the community is likely to improve education service delivery in Bosaso local government Puntland Somalia. Furthermore, a multiple regression analysis revealed that of the three variables, financial resource mobilization is the most significant predictor of secondary education service delivery in Bosaso local government Puntland Somalia predicting up to 39.4% change in education service delivery on the selected sample and 38.9% on the total population. The researcher recommended that among others, community members should be encouraged to construct bigger structures especially classrooms to accommodate the ever increasing student enrollment and such structures should also have adequate supply of utilities like water and electricity and at the same time get regular maintenance to create a conducive teaching and learning environment for students and staff. Some respected community members should also be involved in decision making of the schools as this would serve as a bridge between schools and the general community. In addition, community members should be encouraged to always clear their financial obligations like school fees in time as this enables provision of the necessary teaching and learning facilities and motivation of teachers among others which are essential ingredients in effective teaching and learning process.
- Thesis and Dissertations [209]